Are there any special considerations when selecting vented soffit panel?

There are a few considerations to account for when selecting vented soffit panels.

First, check the Net Free Area to make sure it's suitable for the amount of Net Frea Area the attic exhaust vents will provide. The goal is to have equal intake NFA and equal exhaust NFA. In general, we recommend fully vented soffit panels to maximize the overhang. Second, during installation make sure the plywood in the soffit has been removed so the vented soffit panels can do their job. Solid plywood behind vented soffit panels renders them useless. Third, be aware of the design. For example, a perforated soffit panel may have been rolled, lanced, or punched during manufacturing. The punched soffit panels are best because the material is removed as opposed to displaced. Soffit panels in which the material has been displaced leave places where debris can get caught or easily trapped on the excess material and start to block the vent. Also perforated panels are easily painted shut (which then hinders airflow) with one or two coats of paint because of the generally small holes used in them.