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Metal Roofing Maintenance for Spring

Metal Roofing Maintenance for Spring

As we move away from winter into the spring, it's time to focus on the health and wellness of our home: first stop, the roof. Spring brings about a lot of rain and moisture is your home's worst enemy. At StealthBond®, we not only want to provide you with a superior metal roofing system but the tools you need to keep it healthy.

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Topics: Metal Roofing, Roof Maintenance

Signs You Need a New Roof

Signs You Need a New Roof

There are a few signs that you need a new roof. Many homeowners are waiting for signs of leaking inside their home or attic. But, there are other indications that your roof needs replacing. Waiting until there is water visible inside the house could lead to structural problems. Not all leaks appear quickly. A slow leak might require more than just a new roof.

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Topics: Metal Roofing, New Roof, Roof Maintenance, Metal Roofing Solutions

Residential Metal Roof Maintenance Checklist

Residential Metal Roof Maintenance Checklist

Metal roofing is known for its durability. However, like many systems, it's not indestructible. There are some components of your metal roof that will require regular inspections to ensure your system is secure and not producing leaks. While you won't be required to do much regarding maintenance, what you are looking for is wear and tear, storm damage, or and shifting in the metal panels. Here are some important steps to ensure you are doing your best to extend the life of your metal roof.

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Topics: Metal Roofing, Roofing Business, Roofing Systems, Roof Maintenance

How to Protect Your Metal Roof During Hurricane Season

How to Protect Your Metal Roof During Hurricane Season

Hurricane season is upon us, and many Floridians are preparing their home for the potential stormy weather. Florida is ranked number one in states that are most likely to be affected by hurricanes and rain because of its location in the Atlantic. Warm water typically moves northwest, and because of the state's extensive coastline, there is a long path for storms to touch down.

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Topics: Metal Roofing, New Metal Roof, Roofing Systems, Roof Maintenance