Roofing Questions Every Home Buyer Should Be Asking

Posted by StealthBond® on May 10, 2018 at 7:00 AM

Buying a new home is a costly investment and should be considered with care. Potential buyers often concern themselves with the aesthetic and living space offered by the house. While moving into a beautifully renovated home is ideal, it won't matter very much if the roof has leaks and causing unnecessary water damage. Potential buyers should be aware of maintenance issues that could end up costing a lot in terms of replacement down the line. As a result, we've put together a list of questions buyers should ask about the roof when they are buying a new home.

How old is the current roof?

When shopping for a new home, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the condition of the roof. There are a lot of things you can see from a distance, but hiring a roofing contractor to give it an inspection is ideal. You'll want to look for red flags such as mold. The presence of mold is indicative of a moisture problem. Another common trait of moisture issues is the curling of the edges or bulges.

Check for wear and tear. The roof should be free from worn out spots if it's still in excellent condition. Such deformities articulate the age of the roof and means you would want to replace it as soon as possible. An old roof isn't necessarily a problem. What you are trying to locate is issues that might have arisen from poor maintenance.

Is there a ventilation system in place?

Proper ventilation is critical when you are looking for a new home. A new roof won't be beneficial if the appropriate ventilation system isn't in place. You want to look for a roofing system that allows for proper sunlight and air to come in to avoid rust problems from moisture. Excessive moisture build up can cause structural damage to the house.

Does the roof have adequate drainage?

Clogged gutters and drainage pipes can create a lot of unnecessary problems to a home. When you are shopping for a new home, you'll want to have a licensed roofing contractor inspect the gutters and drainage pipes to ensure everything is working correctly. Without doing so, you risk having issues with:

  • Roof damage - when water backs up you risk creating surface damage to your roofing system.
  • Wood Damage - If the gutters are clogged and heavy with debris, they can pull away from the house creating issues with the fascia.
  • Surface damage - Water that spills over the gutter can drip down onto your windows, walls, and doors creating structural issues.
  • Foundation damage - Excess water that comes into contact with your foundation system will create issues with the entire structure of the house. The house could shift, crack, and in some cases sink.


Are there any leaks, breakages, or cracks in the seal?

If gutters are capable of causing water damage, so will leaks in the roof. There are a few ways leaks can come about, such as improper installation and maintenance over the years. If the current homeowner didn't regularly inspect the roof after a major storm, there might be damage. Gutter leaks will mostly affect the outside and structure of your home, but a hole in the actual roofing system could seep inside your house causing additional damage to your walls and furniture. When it comes to leaks, you want to leave this in the hands of roofing contractor professionals  who can also look around chimneys, plumbing vents, and rooftop creases.

Have there been any flooding issues?

Flooding isn't restricted to the basements and ground floor. If rooftop downpipes aren't releasing into stormwater drains, flooding can take place on top of the roof as well. Have your contractor search for any evidence of past flooding issues. Specifically, around the downpipes. If there is, it means the water isn't flowing properly or that the soakwells are not the correct size for the downpipes.

You want to be careful when you are shopping for a new home to inspect the roof properly. If you are in need of a replacement be sure to invest in the StealthBond® system. Contact us today for more information.

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Topics: New Metal Roof, New Roof

About StealthBond®

The StealthBond® installation system provides a luxurious concealed fastener look for 5V Crimp metal roofs—the “Key West” look without all the screws.

Each StealthBond® roofing installation is custom, and StealthBond® dealers are authorized and trained to give homeowners a beautiful roof they can be proud of.

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