How to Hire the Right Employee for Your Roofing Company

Posted by StealthBond® on May 2, 2018 at 1:08 PM

Roof installation can be a lucrative business choice. The housing market is shifting favorably, which means more opportunity for work, but many construction-related companies are finding it challenging to obtain employees. If roofing contractors don't have the workforce in place, they won't be able to meet the demand. Fortunately, there are ways to find quality employees and attract skilled workers. You just need to follow a few guidelines.

Creating the Best Job Posting

Finding the best installers for your roofing company starts with a good job posting. Before you launch into the description of the job, list out all the qualifications you would like in a good employee. Not only do you want them to be able to do the job, but there will be specific characteristics that are important to your business. Tailor the post's language to talk directly to this individual. It will help weed out candidates who aren't what you need.

When it's time to write about the positions available, be sure to mention specifics about what your roofing business does. For example, if you work primarily in metal roofing, as opposed to shingles, say this in the description. You'll attract workers who are skilled and comfortable with that type of work. If you can teach the skills needed, articulate this somewhere in the post, so all skill levels know they can apply.

Post the Job Opening Appropriately

Creating the right job description is only the beginning, and once you have it in place, you don't want to publish it anywhere. Where you post the job opportunities has an impact on the quality of the applicants you receive. Look for industry-specific job boards in your area and post there. If you find a few, you can experiment to see which brings in the most qualified options. There is also the opportunity to go to events, online groups, and trade shows to find candidates.

The Best Qualifications

The construction employment is expected to grow by 33% by 2020, which means many roofing contractors will need help to meet the demand. Thousands of technically proficient people are leaving the military every year and are pushing to find employment. For a roofing contractor, there isn't a better pool from which to choose a candidate. They are hard working and dedicated, which are two essential characteristics, and with budget cuts, there will be a lot more individuals looking to take up work. Additionally, you can target millennials. One of the issues with workers today is aging out of employment. If you try to recruit younger, your employee retention will improve. Regardless of the direction, you decide to go, both veterans and millennials are looking for appropriate incentives from potential employers, which leads us to our next point.

Be Competitive in Your Offerings

Like we mentioned before, regardless of who you want to employ, most people aren't going to jump at the first job they see. There is a lot of information online, and people are better connected than before. You don't just want to attract the right person, but you want them to accept the job if you offer it to them. The first place to start is salary. Research what other roofing companies are providing their employees and see if you can match. Often, individuals are looking for benefits that aren't just favorable to them, but their families as well. If you aren't already, take inventory of what you can provide your employees, so they feel a sense of security. Position yourself as a company with a reputation that is organized and efficient, and takes on projects that are unique or offers stability.

Keep In Touch with Previous Employees

If you position yourself as a company who respects, promotes, and rewards loyalty, you'll be able to find qualified workers through reputation. If you had an employee retires or move locations, they could play a pivotal role in providing you with contacts. They can spread the word that you are looking for help or make suggestions based on your ethos and the work you produce. Even when you get to a point where you feel you have enough roofing installers, never stop recruiting. Opportunities for expansion may come your way, and having a list of potential employees will make it easier to take on more work if the opportunity arises.

Give your employees additional skills and become a StealthBond® authorized dealer. Contact us today by calling 844-5-STEALTH to learn more.

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Topics: Metal Roofing, Roofing Business

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The StealthBond® installation system provides a luxurious concealed fastener look for 5V Crimp metal roofs—the “Key West” look without all the screws.

Each StealthBond® roofing installation is custom, and StealthBond® dealers are authorized and trained to give homeowners a beautiful roof they can be proud of.

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